Fuller Pound and Pence
Rocco and I checked out Pound & Pence, a English style pub in downtown formerly occupied by Devine, an overpriced/stuck-up wine bar. The bar has a great selection of Brit brews on taps. The crowd...Wall Street yuppies. I think our group is the only "non-suits". Suit or Non-Suit. The place definitely served up some great tasting or perhaps the freshest line-ups from Fuller. Other than that, the beverage menu looks alright with the exception for listing craps like Coors and Rheingolds in bottle for $4.
Well, without advertisement for this place here my reviews for Fuller's ESB, Fuller's London Pride, Fuller's Porter and my Fuller Crap.
Fuller's ESB
Appearance: A copperish rusty color with decent amount of head that quickly faded after the first sip.
Smell: A rich buttery aroma and yet with a nice hint of caramel apple.
Taste: Truly well balanced with a great Golding hop note. A toffeeish aftertaste; rich but not filling.
Mouthfeel: Moderate body and mild carbonation which is true characteristic of ESB.
Drinkability: I can drink this all day without food.
This is the best beer I have since the Goose Island experience.
Fuller's London Pride
Appearance: An orangy amber color as I point it toward the light
Smell: Not a lot of aroma as the ESB but it does have a light yeasty sweetness to it.
Taste: ahhh...very grainy and not overpowered of maltiness. A very modest beer with great taste.
Mouthfeel: A pretty light body beer with the weight of dark pilners.
Drinkability: Again all beers from Fuller's are extremely drinkable.
This is the flagship beer of Fuller's! Back to the basic, sophistically simple.
Fuller's Porter
Appearance: Nice dark color topped with a light tanned foam.
Smell: Roasty and malty. Big...just the way that a true porter should behave.
Taste: It has great note of Arabica coffee with a light hint of tabacco smoke and a rich finish.
Mouthfeel: Mild carbonation and full body collided with impact that I will never forget.
Drinkability: This is a king of all classic porters. No other porters can top this one.
I finally found a real deal porter and truly understand the concept behind "classic original".
Fuller Crap
This is not a beer but a public advisory. I am here wishing everyone a prosperous year 2006. Drink more beer, sake, whiskey, wine and other libations of choice in the mission to appreciate. Please drink responsibly and drive safe!
Pound & Pence
Liberty StNew York, NY 10005
(212) 233-245155
are you a beeradvocate.com member? You should post your reviews there!
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