Friday, July 29, 2005

Kuro Isanishiki Imo Shochu

I checked out Landmark Wine & Liquor and picked up a bottle of Kuro Isanishiki Imo Shochu. Imo is a variation of Japanese yam and the key ingredient for producing kickass imo shochu. I am not a connoisseur in this area. However, I always prefer Japanese shochu over Korean soju. I think Korean soju is quite harsh comparing to the Japanese selections. Actually, I will take that back...Korean soju are great for mixing cocktail and Japanese are better for sipping. Well, Kuro Isanishiki Imo has the simple aroma of raisin and yam. I mixed it will iced water and had it on the rocks on the second round. The weather is too hot for warm shochu.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment to my Blog.
I recalled Shochu's name...
That's was Mao (魔王)
Imo Shochu...
Really good one.

4:54 AM, July 30, 2005  

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