Tuesday, March 15, 2005

One Flew Over the Hitachino's Nest

I got 15 minutes to do this review before catching my ZZZZ. I have tried couple of end products from Hitachino Nest; the Red Rice Ale and the Sweet Stout. The Red Rice Ale is okay but the Sweet Stout is like drinking horse milk with heavy doses of lactose. My fighting spirit hangs on and pushed me to try another beer from this brewery before throwing in the towel. Wow....the Hitachino Nest White Ale (Witbier) is the ichiban nihon biiru (No. 1 Japanese Beer)!!!! Who said J folks can't brew good beer?? kick those stereotypes and their a*ses to the curb and don't let anyone tell you that Sapporo is the best J beer. This fine microbrewed White Ale is quite different from their Belgian counterpart. The Hitachino Brewery actually used orange juice on top of the orange peels. The OJ gives the beer a great twist of fresh squeezed citrus essense.


Appearance- Nice cloudy golden pour with a thick white head that decreases to about 1/4 inch and stays. A clean minor lacing along the edges.

Smell- No aroma of OJ but a heavy fragrance of corriander and orange peel extract.

Taste- Ha...the OJ finally kicked in..a bit acidic with all the fresh juice going on there. The corriander tamed down quite a bit.

Mouthfeel- Well carbonated as expected, but finishing in thick note. It definitely has a lemonade aftertaste.

Drinkability- The only Witbier I had from Japan. I will definitely pour myself another serving!!!


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